The Three R’s of A Committed Life

The Three R’s of A Committed Life

Matthew 3:1-2 3 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea,And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
The first R has to be Repentance. This is not a very popular word in religious services today, probably because we don’t want to face the reality of our sinful condition. The prodigal son, of Luke Chapter 15, enjoyed his folly until all of his substance was gone. And, then, he came to himself. That’s the place where repentance begins.
The next R, though needlessly dreaded, is Return. The reception of a repentant person is warm with God and His fellowship. Both repent and return must take place before the final R is possible.
Each of us must search our own hearts to find where the last R, Revive, is needed. God will forgive us of our sins if we, but, ask. In returning to Him, there is always great joy. To be revived is to enjoy God’s great forgiveness and reconciliation.
Why do you suppose this is so difficult for Christians to do? Could it be that Satan makes sure we doubt before we take the action of repentance? Then Satan offers shame as a reason not to return. Thus, there is no revival. This is not God’s way. He has always been a God of reconciliation from Genesis to Revelation. Try it for yourself. Repent, Return, Revive!
In Christ’s Love,
Bro. Gene

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